Balance Baby
Welcome to Balance, Baby! The podcast that guides you on a journey to find joy and fulfillment in life. Hosted by Harkaren, a vibrant soul who radiates positive energy; here to help you embark on a path of self-discovery, resilience, and living authentically. We delve deep into the realms of the law of attraction, vibrational alignment, and the audacity of authenticity. We are dismantling cultural expectations and navigating generational healing. From spiritual teachings to personal experiences, Balance, Baby! offers a refreshing take on self-development, making your journey towards resilience and enlightenment fun and joyful. Get ready to tune in, level up, and find your balance!
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Balance Baby
S1E8 Energy Cleansing: Restoring Balance and Harmony Within Ourselves
Ever feel like your energy has been zapped by the people or places around you? This week on Balance Baby, I, Harkaren, peel back the layers of our energetic interactions to reveal how to stay vibrant amid the chaos. As we navigate life's ebbs and flows, it's crucial to be aware of 'energy vampires' and the subtle signals that suggest we need an energetic cleanse. I recount my journey towards recognizing these signs and share the transformative impact of my nightly energy cleansing routine. It's about turning inward, fortifying our intuition, and shedding the unwanted influences that can skew our path to personal fulfillment.
Harness the power of breath and intention, and join me in exploring simple yet profound practices that can revitalize your spirit. Whether it's through deep breathing techniques or setting intentions to cleanse your space, this episode is packed with actionable steps to bring you back into alignment with your true self. I delve into how to cultivate a strong support system and lead by example, all while maintaining a safeguard against negativity. It's time to reclaim your energy and step into a state of constant renewal—let's embark on this journey to vibrant living together.
Join our community of radiant souls. Subscribe and tune in every Wednesday to hear the latest episode. Be a part of a vibrant tribe that supports, inspires, and grows together.
Follow on Instagram: @balancebabypodcast
Follow on Tiktok: @balancebabypodcast
Hello everyone and welcome to Balance Baby, the podcast designed to help you consistently show up as the best version of yourself. My name is Harkaren and I'll be your host. I'll be here every week sharing stories and teaching you techniques to prioritize the only thing we have any control over in this world Ourselves. Everything is energy Our thoughts, our emotions, our physical space. Every person emits their own energy and every space holds its own energy. Together, we've been learning to understand how energy works so that we can be sure we're putting out good energy and attracting good things into our lives. When you start paying attention to yourself and your immediate environment, you become sensitive to all the shifts in energy happening within you and around you. Our whole world is made up of energy, so every once in a while you're bound to pick up some unwanted energy. We can control the energy in our internal world by consistently meditating, expressing gratitude, reprogramming our subconscious beliefs, practicing positive self-talk and reciting a mantra. By working on our internal world, we begin emitting good energy into the external world, essentially becoming a source of good energy. But we can't control the energy that already exists in the external world. As I've been explaining to you throughout this podcast, the only thing we truly have any control over in this world is ourselves. This is why I will constantly remind you to focus on yourself. In episode 5, I talked about energy vampires. If you haven't already done so, make sure you go back and listen to that episode. I talked about the importance of a strong support system and how to lead by example when dealing with low-energy people.
Harkaren:When you spend time with negative and low-energy people, their energy can sometimes attach to you and linger on you. These could be negative friends or family members, maybe a co-worker or even a toxic partner. You need to begin paying attention to how you feel when you're spending time with people. Who are you around when you're feeling your best, and who are you around when you suddenly start feeling grumpy and pessimistic, especially if you were in a great mood before seeing them? But people are only one source where you might pick up negative energy. It could also come from a negative environment, like at the home of a toxic family member or a historical building where a lot of suffering took place. It might be from the content you're consuming, whether on social media or the tragedies and conflicts you're witnessing on the news. It can leave you feeling drained and just not yourself.
Harkaren:Over time, as you continue to accumulate negative and unwanted energy from various sources, you'll start noticing that it becomes difficult to snap out of it and to get back to your healthy spiritual practices. There are a few signs you'll notice when your energy needs to be cleansed. Some of the signs are when you're having difficulty connecting with your intuition or your higher self. When we fall out of alignment with our higher selves, our most authentic selves. We begin to operate from the ego. Remember the ego wants you to stay the same. It wants to keep things comfortable and familiar. Your ego will keep you from reaching your full potential, if you let it. So you will notice that, despite your efforts, you might not be gaining any momentum towards your goals and you may be struggling to find motivation. The unwanted energy could cause you to feel irritated and hold tension in different parts of your body. You might be having trouble sleeping or feeling tired all the time, even when you've been sleeping well.
Harkaren:But there are several ways that we can instantly begin cleansing our energy so that we can take the necessary steps to get back into a state of alignment. I used to use energy cleansing intermittently every few months, but that was before I became so aligned with my true self and so connected with my intuition. Now I've incorporated energy cleansing into my nightly routine Because I enjoy the feeling of being in my own energy and I'm so in tune with myself that I can always tell when my energy is off. So today I'm going to share with you a few of my favorite practices that I use, which you can start implementing today. First, I want to start by mentioning that energy cleansing doesn't have to be complicated. You can start by simply setting an intention and using your breath. Regardless of which tools you decide to implement, always start by taking three cleansing breaths. Start by breathing in slowly through your nose, allowing your lungs to expand fully. Visualize your breath spreading through your body, reaching your fingertips and your toes. Hold the breath for a moment and then release it through your mouth with an audible sigh. As you exhale, engage your core muscles and gently push out any air that's left, imagining you're releasing any negativity or tension that's stored within. Repeat this process two more times, focusing on each breath as a powerful tool for clearing and purifying your energy field. As you continue to breathe deeply and intentionally, allow yourself to sink deeper into a state of relaxation and inner peace, feeling lighter, clearer and more aligned with your true self.
Harkaren:Water is an important component of cleansing our energy and raising our vibrational state. Water can help energy flow within us, so you can also use it to cleanse your energy in a number of ways. As you know, our body is made up of about 70% water and our cells need water to function optimally. When we drink water, we not only hydrate our cells, but also support the body's natural detoxification process, helping us to flush out toxins and impurities from our system. We can also use it to cleanse our physical body and energy field. Next time you're taking a shower, let the water flow from the crown of your head downwards. Visualize this water as a powerful cleansing force, washing away any dark or negative energy that may be lingering within your energetic field. As the water washes over you, envision it changing color, absorbing and carrying away any heaviness, tension or negativity from your body and your aura. Set an intention for the water to cleanse you of any negative or stagnant energy. To cleanse you of any energy which is no longer serving you. Imagine the negative energy washing off of you and down the drain. Notice yourself feeling lighter as the water begins to run clear Another powerful technique for energy cleansing is to take a ritual bath.
Harkaren:To create your ritual bath, start by filling your tub with warm water. Add in epsom salt and essential oils. These ingredients not only help your muscles relax, but also work to draw out toxins and negative energy from your body. You can also light a candle if that helps you get into a relaxed state. If you have roses laying around from Valentine's Day, pick the petals and add them to your bath. Rose petals are associated with qualities of love, purity and healing. It's believed that their gentle and nurturing energy can uplift your spirit and cleanse you of negative energy. While you soak, take the time to connect with your breath and tune in to your body's sensations. Notice any areas of tension or discomfort and imagine them dissolving into the water, leaving you feeling lighter and more at ease. Allow yourself to fully surrender to the healing power of the bath, knowing that you are releasing anything that is no longer serving you and making space for new positive energy to flow into your life. When you're ready, rub the rose petals on your skin, asking them to cleanse you of any negative or stagnant energy, to cleanse you of any energy which is no longer serving you. When you're done with your bath, collect the rose petals and drain the water. As the water washes down the drain, imagine it has taken all the heavy emotions, tension and negativity with it. Then take your petals and bury them outside in the dirt. Thank the Earth for taking this negative energy from you and notice how much lighter and more energetically balanced you feel.
Harkaren:I also like to use smoke smudging. This ancient practice involves burning sage palo santo or incense to cleanse and purify the energy of a space or a person. As the smoke wafts through the air, it carries with it cleansing properties that neutralize any negative or stagnant energy. My preference is to use palo santo, a sacred wood from South America. I prefer the smell of it and it provides cleansing and grounding effects which create a sense of calm and tranquility. It might take some practice to find what works for you, but every time I hold my palo santo, it sends shivers up and down my spine. I can literally feel my energy moving. I like to light it and waft it around myself and repeat Please cleanse me of any negative or stagnant energy. Please cleanse me of any energy which is no longer serving me. When I'm cleansing my space, I like to have a window open so the unwanted energy can leave the room. I repeat a similar phrase, but instead of saying cleanse me, I say cleanse this space. I walk around the room, ensuring I reach every corner of the room. I visualize the smoke purifying the energy of the space and releasing any negativity and tension. At the end of the practice, I like to take three cleansing breaths and express gratitude for the cleansing and purification that has taken place.
Harkaren:Crystals play a significant role in energy work due to their unique vibrational properties and their ability to interact with the body's energy systems. You can use the power of crystals to clear your space or yourself of unwanted energy. I rarely buy crystals and I'm not an expert in them, but I usually rely on my intuition to guide me towards the crystals I need. Some of the crystals I use regularly are selenite, which is associated with purity, peace and higher consciousness. It usually is a pearly white color and it's believed to have the power to cleanse and charge. Other crystals clear blockages from your energy field and direct high-frequency energy into your body. It promotes personal and spiritual growth and mental clarity. I also like to use malachite, which is known as a stone of transformation. It's a deep emerald green color, covered in swirls of different shades of green. It serves as a guardian of the heart and it helps to flesh out toxic emotions and clear away unwanted energies. It also clears pollutants from the body and environment. Citrine comes in many shades of yellow, from pale to bright amber. Just like standing in the gentle glow of the sunlight, citrine is an instant pick-me-up, boosting self-esteem and confidence. It guards against negative energies, releasing anger and tension, and brings in a sense of positivity and optimism. These are just a few examples of crystals that can be used for energy cleansing, but there are many others to explore as well. When working with crystals, it's important to cleanse and charge them regularly to maintain their effectiveness. You can do this by placing them in the moonlight or smudging them with sage or palo santo. Use your intuition and choose crystals that resonate most with you and your specific needs for energy cleansing and purification.
Harkaren:Last but not least, physical movement is a powerful tool for releasing stagnant energy from the body. When we engage in movement, whether it's through exercise, dance or simply going for a walk, we stimulate the flow of energy in the body, helping to break up any blockages or tension that may be stopping the free flow of energy. Stagnant energy can get stuck in the body for a variety of reasons, including emotional trauma, chronic stress and anxiety, environmental factors and a lack of self-care. Stretching and exercise help to increase circulation, release tension and promote the flow of energy throughout the body. Massage is another powerful tool for releasing stagnant energy. By applying pressure to specific points and areas of tension, massage can help to stimulate circulation, break up adhesions and release stored emotional or energetic blockages. Even something as simple as going for a walk can be a powerful form of energy release. Take a leisurely stroll in nature, allowing yourself to connect with the natural world around you and soak in the healing energy of the Earth. Overall, physical movement is an essential component of energy work, helping to promote the flow of energy throughout the body and release any blockages or stagnation that may be inhibiting our vitality and well-being.
Harkaren:Thank you so much for tuning in to my eighth episode. At its core, energy cleansing is the art of purifying your energetic field, releasing stagnant or negative energies and restoring balance and harmony within ourselves and our surroundings. Whether through ancient rituals passed down through generations or modern practices rooted in science and spirituality, energy cleansing offers us a pathway to reclaim clarity and inner peace by addressing the underlying causes of this imbalance and implementing practices such as energy cleansing, mindfulness and self-care, we can help to release trapped energy and restore balance to the body, mind and spirit. Head over to my Instagram at balancebabypodcast and be sure to hit the follow button. Be sure to subscribe or follow to the podcast so you don't miss any episodes. I'll be back next Wednesday to continue on our journey towards our most authentic selves. Together here, we're creating a community of beautiful souls, ready to uplift each other, ready to experience all the joy that this life has to offer us. And don't forget life is all about balance, baby.